Title: Gidam a.k.a Epitaph (2007)
Genre: Horror (Korea)
Location: L201 (Nilai College)
Time: 26/10/2010 (6.30pm-9pm)
It been so damn long ago since I last watched horror movie..
The last horror movie I watched was The Unbelievable (2009) ..
Sad..none wanted to accompany me to watch since most of my friend don't like horror movie..=(
Anyway, the horror movie I managed to watch was Gidam (Epitaph) XD
It was a movie night organized by my college Korean Society..
Randomly received sms from Allysa asked me whether I wanted to watch..
Without much thought..I agreed and rushed there..
(abandoning my assignment) =X
For those who haven't watch.. Here's some part of the story I managed to recall..
This movie consists of 3 separate that are tied together in the strange way.
The movie starts with an old doctor found his old photo album way back when he was interning in Ansaeng Hospital.
Both of his parents are dead and the director of the hospital take care of him..
However, the director silently marries her dead daughter's soul to the doctor...
As he was assigned to monitor the morgue late at night, he fell in love with a corpse which happens to be his fiancée (committed suicide)..
Then the stories goes on with another story, the hospital receives a new patient.
A young girl which survives a horrifying car crash..
She was later on haunted by ghost every single night..
The 3rd story was a couple (both doctors) just got back from Japan.
They are doctors in the Ansaeng hospital..
Suddenly, there's a serial killer targeting Japanese soldiers.. (happens to be one of the doctors)
It looks like I mentioned almost every single part of the movie..ha
Not yet...there's surprise twist at the end of the movie which was unexpected...
Overall, the movie not really that scary but a bit boring compared to most of the horror movie (personal opinion)..
Just the sound effect...too loud and high pitch -.-"
(Maybe due to our lecture hall bad sound system)
Even though not scary..but I still covered my eyes during some parts of the show..haha
Too long didn't watch horror movie made me suffered for 2 hours -.-"
Alright, back to assignment ~_~**
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